Using Denta is Easy.
We Got You Covered.

Collection of FAQs and other materials you need to understand Denta.

  • General
  • Sign Up
  • Voice
  • Payment

What is Denta?

Denta is a hands-free digital voice assistant that uses text and voice AI to fulfill the needs of dentists’ most tedious tasks in the areas of perio-charting, note creation, exam/procedure documentation, referral letter and insurance narrative generation. It is the only voice driven mobile solution in the market that offers the flexibility for dentists to perform tasks from anywhere in a secure environment

Do I need to be very proficient with technology to be able to use Denta?

Denta is a hands-free digital voice assistant that uses text and voice AI to fulfill the needs of dentists’ most tedious tasks in the areas of perio-charting, note creation, exam/procedure documentation, referral letter and insurance narrative generation. It is the only voice driven mobile solution in the market that offers the flexibility for dentists to perform tasks from anywhere in a secure environment

What practice management platforms does Denta work with?

Denta works seamlessly with Open Dental PMS. We are in the process of integrating with other platforms such as Denticon (planet DDS), Care Stream, XL Dent, and others.

How easy is it to set up? Can it be integrated with my current office network?

Denta is designed to work seamlessly across the local area network or virtual private network. We will work with your network/IT team to ensure a smooth set up and installation.

I am on Open Dental and am interested. What are the requirements?

Here are the requirements and next steps for on-boarding:

Device Requirements

Access to an iPAD device (preferably 9.7” or higher), with an operating system of iOS 10 or newer

Network Requirements

Our support team will work with your network provider on the items below

  • Remote server access via Remote Desktop or TeamViewer
  • Local IP of Open Dental server
  • For remote access, VPN connection on server and port forwarding to Open Dental server IP
System Requirements

Access to Open Dental credentials and creation of “Test” account on Open Dental

Account Signup

Sign up as new user in the Denta app using your email and/or phone number

What is Voice or Conversational AI?

Conversational AI is in essence a voice assistant that can engage in human-like dialogue, capturing context and providing intelligent responses.

Why do we need voice AI in Dentistry?

A study published in the Annals of Medicine observed that healthcare professionals on average spend nearly twice as much time doing administrative work as seeing patients: 49 percent versus 27 percent. We can use voice AI to improve productivity and drive time and cost savings.

What are the benefits of using voice platforms like Voice Dental?

Conversational voice interfaces like Voice Dental help dentists, hygienists and assistants perform various tasks. It can help with periodontal exams, charting and document patient notes through voice dictation.

When dentists and hygienists use Voice Dental, they have an additional 4-6 minutes inside a customary 15-minute visit to devote wholly to the patient, to ask questions, do the screenings and explore the options that make the difference between good care and great care. They wouldn’t have to worry about documentation or feel like they’re racing against the clock. More importantly, patients wouldn’t feel rushed, but rather listened to and heard. That is the power of Voice AI.

Through greater automation of low-value tasks, such as clinical documentation, Voice AI will free up Dentists, Hygienists to clarify patients’ doubts, and counsel them about their choices and potential outcomes, thereby increasing trust.

Patient management systems were designed with billing in mind, not Dentist’s efficiency. So it goes without saying that if technology can help alleviate the documentation burden — allowing doctors to spend more time with patients and deliver higher-quality care — everybody wins.

Time savings, better quality of patient care and peace of mind are 3 reasons why Dentists and Hygienists are choosing Voice Dental.

What kind of plans do you offer?

We offer a 1-month trial for $1.00. After the trial period, one can choose between the regular plans: Monthly | Quarterly | Half-yearly | Annual. Plans are auto-renewed at the end of the subscription period

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

You can cancel at any time for all plans. You will be charged until the end of the current monthly billing cycle and the remaining amount will be refunded back within 5 business days.

If the plan is cancelled before the subscription period expires, the refund amount will be the difference between the original payment and the stated monthly amount x number of months used.

A Voice Experience that Dentists Love

First impressions—Wow! Great product that will help any dentist chart and write notes more effectively and efficiently. A one stop shop for generating accurate notes, referrals and insurance narratives in a fraction of the time.

Dr. Wiseworth, DDS

Voice Dental is a very compelling product. It will dramatically reduce my time for perio-charting, and all post post-procedure documentation, giving me more time to spend with my patients or see new ones.

Dr. Kalluri, DDS

What a neat product! This is a much needed solution for any Dental office.

Paige, Dental Assistant

@copyright 2024 Voice Dental